getrenv().silentaim_fov = 90 getrenv().silentaim_fov_scoped = 180 getrenv().silentaim_fov_current = getrenv().silentaim_fov getrenv().silentaim_color = Color3.fromRGB(0, 255, 0) getrenv().silentaim_ignore_plrs = false getrenv().silentaim_ignore_npcs = false getrenv().item_esp_enabled = false getrenv().item_esp_distance_max = 2000 getrenv().item_esp_refreshrate = 0.1 getrenv().item_esp_lastupdate = tick() getrenv().item_esp_color = Color3.fromRGB(0, 255, 0) getrenv().item_esp_iter = 10 getrenv().item_esp_transparency = false getrenv().item_esp_transparency_reverse = false getrenv().fastrun_enabled = false getrenv().fastrun_speed = 0.6 local gamemt = getrawmetatable(game) local __namecallBackup = gamemt.__namecall local __indexBackpup = gamemt.__index local itemaddedconnections = {} local uis = game:GetService("UserInputService") local runservice = game:GetService("RunService") local plrs = game:GetService("Players") local plr = plrs.LocalPlayer local camera = workspace.CurrentCamera local closestplr local _whitelist local _plrlist local plrnamelist = {} local whitelisted = {} local function Closest() local Distance, CursorDistance, Close = math.huge, math.huge local entityTable = {} if not getrenv().silentaim_ignore_npcs and workspace:FindFirstChild("NPCs") then for i, thing in pairs(workspace.NPCs:GetChildren()) do if thing:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Humanoid") and thing:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Humanoid").Health > 0 then table.insert(entityTable, thing) end end end if not getrenv().silentaim_ignore_plrs then for i, thing in pairs(plrs:GetPlayers()) do if thing ~= plr and thing.Character then table.insert(entityTable, thing.Character) end end end for I, V in pairs(entityTable) do if not plr.Character then continue end if V == plr then continue end if #whitelisted > 0 then local plrwhitelisted = false for x, whitelistedplayer in pairs(whitelisted) do if whitelistedplayer == V.Name then plrwhitelisted = true end end if plrwhitelisted then continue end end local Part = V and V:FindFirstChild("Head") if not Part and not V:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then continue end if not (V:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") and V:FindFirstChild("Humanoid").Health > 0) then continue end local Pos, OnScreen = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(Part.Position) if not OnScreen then continue end if not Part1 == nil then continue end local CursorRange = (, Pos.Y) -, uis:GetMouseLocation().Y)).Magnitude local Range = (Part.Position - workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame.Position).Magnitude if CursorRange <= getrenv().silentaim_fov_current * 2 and Range < Distance and CursorRange < CursorDistance then Distance = Range CursorDistance = CursorRange Close = V end end return Close end local function fastrun() local lastTick = tick() local cooldown = 0.01 local process = game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:Connect(function() if not (tick() - lastTick > cooldown) then return end if not (plr and plr.Character and plr.Character:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Humanoid") and plr.Character:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Humanoid").MoveDirection.Magnitude > 0) then return end lastTick = tick() plr.Character:TranslateBy(plr.Character:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Humanoid").MoveDirection *, getrenv().fastrun_speed, getrenv().fastrun_speed)) end) while getrenv().fastrun_enabled do runservice.Heartbeat:Wait() end process:Disconnect() end setreadonly(gamemt, false) gamemt.__namecall = newcclosure(function(self, ...) local method = getnamecallmethod() local args = {...} if tostring(method) == "FireServer" then local RemoteName = tostring(self) --[[if RemoteName == "HeadRotation" then args[1] =, 0/0, 0/0),, 0/0, 0/0)) return self.FireServer(self, unpack(args)) ]] if RemoteName == "Shoot" and getrenv().silentaim_enabled then if closestplr ~= nil then if plrs:FindFirstChild(closestplr.Name) ~= nil then args[3] = { [1] = closestplr.Head, [2] = closestplr.Head.Position, [3] = plrs[closestplr.Name] } args[4] = closestplr.Head.Position return self.FireServer(self, unpack(args)) else args[3] = { [1] = closestplr.Head, [2] = closestplr.Head.Position, [3] = closestplr } args[4] = closestplr.Head.Position return self.FireServer(self, unpack(args)) end end end end return __namecallBackup(self, ...) end) setreadonly(gamemt, true) runservice.Heartbeat:Connect(function() closestplr = Closest() end) uis.InputBegan:Connect(function(inp) if inp.UserInputType and inp.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton2 then --printconsole("holding right mouse") getrenv().silentaim_fov_current = getrenv().silentaim_fov_scoped end end) uis.InputEnded:Connect(function(inp) if inp.UserInputType and inp.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton2 then --printconsole("stopped holding right mouse") getrenv().silentaim_fov_current = getrenv().silentaim_fov end end) --draw render local drawings = {} local drawings_render = runservice.Heartbeat:Connect(function() for i, drawingcontainer in pairs(drawings) do if drawingcontainer["Drawing"] ~= nil then drawingcontainer["DrawFunction"](drawingcontainer["Drawing"], drawingcontainer["Object"]) else drawings[i] = nil end end end) --separate draw render for items (cus laggy) local item_drawings = {} local iteration = 0 local item_drawings_render = runservice.Heartbeat:Connect(function() if tick() - getrenv().item_esp_lastupdate < getrenv().item_esp_refreshrate then return end getrenv().item_esp_lastupdate = tick() for i, drawingcontainer in pairs(item_drawings) do if drawingcontainer["Drawing"] ~= nil and drawingcontainer["DrawFunction"] ~= nil then drawingcontainer["DrawFunction"](drawingcontainer["Drawing"], drawingcontainer["Object"]) else item_drawings[i] = nil end iteration = iteration + 1 --doing this instead of iteration += 1 because synapse shows an error and that doesnt look nice if iteration%getrenv().item_esp_iter == 1 then --printconsole("Cooling down...") iteration = 0 runservice.RenderStepped:Wait() end end end) --functions for drawing stuff --silent aim local function silentaim_enable() printconsole("Enabled") --local container = {} local center_circle_table = {} local center_circle ="Circle") center_circle.Radius = 4 center_circle.Thickness = 1 center_circle.Position =, uis:GetMouseLocation().Y) center_circle.Color = getrenv().silentaim_color center_circle.Transparency = 0.5 center_circle.Visible = true center_circle_table["Drawing"] = center_circle center_circle_table["Object"] = nil center_circle_table["DrawFunction"] = function(draw, obj) --printconsole("draw center") draw.Color = getrenv().silentaim_color draw.Position =, uis:GetMouseLocation().Y) end drawings["silentaim_center"] = center_circle_table local fov_circle_table = {} local fov_circle ="Circle") fov_circle.Radius = getrenv().silentaim_fov_current * 2 fov_circle.Thickness = 1 fov_circle.Position =, uis:GetMouseLocation().Y) fov_circle.Color = getrenv().silentaim_color fov_circle.Visible = true fov_circle_table["Drawing"] = fov_circle fov_circle_table["Object"] = nil fov_circle_table["DrawFunction"] = function(draw, obj) --printconsole("draw fov") draw.Color = getrenv().silentaim_color draw.Position =, uis:GetMouseLocation().Y) draw.Radius = getrenv().silentaim_fov_current * 2 end drawings["silentaim_fov"] = fov_circle_table local locked_player_table = {} local locked_player ="Square") locked_player.Size =, 4) locked_player.Thickness = 1 locked_player.Color = getrenv().silentaim_color locked_player.Visible = true locked_player_table["Drawing"] = locked_player locked_player_table["Object"] = closestplr locked_player_table["DrawFunction"] = function(draw, obj) --printconsole("draw plr") if closestplr ~= nil then --printconsole("draw true plr") local pos, vis = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(closestplr.Head.Position) if vis then draw.Color = getrenv().silentaim_color draw.Size = - pos.Z / 2, 8, 24), math.clamp(8 - pos.Z / 2, 8, 24)) draw.Position = - draw.Size.X / 2, pos.Y - draw.Size.Y / 2) draw.Visible = true else draw.Visible = false end else draw.Visible = false end end drawings["silentaim_locked_player"] = locked_player_table local locked_player_name_table = {} local locked_player_name ="Text") locked_player_name.Size = 16 locked_player_name.Center = true locked_player_name.Outline = true locked_player_name.OutlineColor = locked_player_name.Font = 1 locked_player_name.Color = getrenv().silentaim_color locked_player_name.Visible = true locked_player_name_table["Drawing"] = locked_player_name locked_player_name_table["Object"] = closestplr locked_player_name_table["DrawFunction"] = function(draw, obj) if closestplr ~= nil then --printconsole("draw true plr name") draw.Color = getrenv().silentaim_color draw.Position =, uis:GetMouseLocation().Y + 14) if closestplr:IsA("Player") then if closestplr.DisplayName ~= closestplr.Name then draw.Text = closestplr.DisplayName .. " (" .. closestplr.Name .. ")" else draw.Text = closestplr.Name end else draw.Text = closestplr.Name end draw.Visible = true else draw.Visible = false end end drawings["silentaim_locked_player_name"] = locked_player_name_table end local function silentaim_disable() local toremove = { drawings["silentaim_center"], drawings["silentaim_fov"], drawings["silentaim_locked_player"], drawings["silentaim_locked_player_name"] } for i, draw in pairs(toremove) do draw["Drawing"].Visible = false draw["Drawing"]:Remove() draw["Drawing"] = nil end end local function esp_item_enable() local itemlocations = {} itemaddedconnections = {} for i, city in pairs(workspace.GameStructures:GetChildren()) do if city:FindFirstChild("Items") then table.insert(itemlocations, city.Items) end end table.insert(itemlocations, workspace.Items) for i, itemlocation in pairs(itemlocations) do itemaddedconnection = itemlocation.ChildAdded:Connect(function(item) local id = tick() local newitem_table = {} local newitem_mark ="Square") newitem_mark.Size =, 8) newitem_mark.Thickness = 1 newitem_mark.Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 0, 0) --newitem_mark.Transparency = 0.75 --workspace.GameStructures.City1.Items["12GaugeMag"].Config.Amount.Value local newitem_text ="Text") newitem_text.Outline = true newitem_text.Center = true if item:FindFirstChild("Config") and item.Config:FindFirstChild("ItemName") then if item.Config:FindFirstChild("Amount") and item.Config:FindFirstChild("MaxBullets") then newitem_text.Text = item.Config.ItemName.Value .. "\n[" .. item.Config.Amount.Value .. "/" .. item.Config.MaxBullets.Value .. "]" elseif item.Config:FindFirstChild("Amount") then newitem_text.Text = item.Config.ItemName.Value .. "\n[" .. item.Config.Amount.Value "]" else newitem_text.Text = item.Config.ItemName.Value end else newitem_text.Text = item.Name end newitem_text.Font = 1 newitem_text.Size = 16 newitem_text.Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 0, 0) newitem_text.OutlineColor = --newitem_text.Transparency = 0.75 newitem_table["Drawing"] = {} newitem_table["Drawing"]["Mark"] = newitem_mark newitem_table["Drawing"]["Text"] = newitem_text newitem_table["Object"] = item local parentchanged = item.AncestryChanged:Connect(function(_, parent) if not parent and newitem_table["Drawing"] ~= nil then newitem_table["Drawing"]["Mark"].Visible = false newitem_table["Drawing"]["Text"].Visible = false newitem_table["Drawing"]["Mark"]:Remove() newitem_table["Drawing"]["Text"]:Remove() newitem_table["Drawing"] = nil if parentchanged ~= nil then parentchanged:Disconnect() parentchanged = nil end end end) newitem_table["DrawFunction"] = function(draw, obj) if item ~= nil and item.Parent ~= nil and camera ~= nil then local pos, vis if item:IsA("Model") then pos, vis = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(item:GetBoundingBox().Position) elseif item:IsA("BasePart") then pos, vis = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(item.Position) end if vis and pos.Z < getrenv().item_esp_distance_max then if getrenv().item_esp_transparency then local calctransparency if getrenv().item_esp_transparency_reverse then calctransparency = math.clamp(pos.Z / getrenv().item_esp_distance_max + 0.25, 0, 1) else calctransparency = math.clamp(1 - pos.Z / getrenv().item_esp_distance_max + 0.25, 0, 1) end draw["Mark"].Transparency = calctransparency draw["Text"].Transparency = calctransparency else draw["Mark"].Transparency = 1 draw["Text"].Transparency = 1 end if item:FindFirstChild("Config") and item.Config:FindFirstChild("ItemName") then if item.Config:FindFirstChild("Amount") and item.Config:FindFirstChild("MaxBullets") then newitem_text.Text = item.Config.ItemName.Value .. " [" .. item.Config.Amount.Value .. "/" .. item.Config.MaxBullets.Value .. "] [" .. math.floor(pos.Z) .. "s.]" elseif item.Config:FindFirstChild("Amount") and item.Config.Amount.Value > 1 then newitem_text.Text = item.Config.ItemName.Value .. " [" .. item.Config.Amount.Value "] [" .. math.floor(pos.Z) .. "s.]" else newitem_text.Text = item.Config.ItemName.Value .. " [" .. math.floor(pos.Z) .. "s.]" end else newitem_text.Text = item.Name .. " [" .. math.floor(pos.Z) .. "s.]" end draw["Mark"].Color = getrenv().item_esp_color draw["Text"].Color = getrenv().item_esp_color draw["Mark"].Size = - pos.Z / 4, 8, 24), math.clamp(24 - pos.Z / 4, 8, 24)) draw["Text"].Size = 16 draw["Mark"].Position = - draw["Mark"].Size.X / 2, pos.Y - draw["Mark"].Size.Y / 2) draw["Text"].Position =, pos.Y - draw["Mark"].Size.Y / 2 - draw["Text"].TextBounds.Y - 4) draw["Mark"].Visible = true draw["Text"].Visible = true else draw["Mark"].Visible = false draw["Text"].Visible = false end elseif (item == nil or not item.Parent) then printconsole("removing " .. item.Name) draw["Mark"].Visible = false draw["Text"].Visible = false draw["Mark"]:Remove() draw["Text"]:Remove() newitem_table["Drawing"] = nil end end item_drawings["__item_" .. item.Name .. "_" .. id] = newitem_table end) for i, item in pairs(itemlocation:GetChildren()) do local id = tick() local newitem_table = {} local newitem_mark ="Square") newitem_mark.Size =, 8) newitem_mark.Thickness = 1 newitem_mark.Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 0, 0) --newitem_mark.Transparency = 0.75 local newitem_text ="Text") newitem_text.Outline = true newitem_text.Center = true if item:FindFirstChild("Config") and item.Config:FindFirstChild("ItemName") then newitem_text.Text = item.Config.ItemName.Value else newitem_text.Text = item.Name end newitem_text.Font = 1 newitem_text.Size = 16 newitem_text.Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 0, 0) newitem_text.OutlineColor = --newitem_text.Transparency = 0.75 newitem_table["Drawing"] = {} newitem_table["Drawing"]["Mark"] = newitem_mark newitem_table["Drawing"]["Text"] = newitem_text newitem_table["Object"] = item local parentchanged = item.AncestryChanged:Connect(function(_, parent) if not parent and newitem_table["Drawing"] ~= nil then newitem_table["Drawing"]["Mark"].Visible = false newitem_table["Drawing"]["Text"].Visible = false newitem_table["Drawing"]["Mark"]:Remove() newitem_table["Drawing"]["Text"]:Remove() newitem_table["Drawing"] = nil if parentchanged ~= nil then parentchanged:Disconnect() parentchanged = nil end end end) newitem_table["DrawFunction"] = function(draw, obj) if item ~= nil and item.Parent ~= nil and camera ~= nil then local pos, vis if item:IsA("Model") then pos, vis = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(item:GetBoundingBox().Position) elseif item:IsA("BasePart") then pos, vis = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(item.Position) end if vis and pos.Z < getrenv().item_esp_distance_max then if getrenv().item_esp_transparency then local calctransparency if getrenv().item_esp_transparency_reverse then calctransparency = math.clamp(pos.Z / getrenv().item_esp_distance_max + 0.25, 0, 1) else calctransparency = math.clamp(1 - pos.Z / getrenv().item_esp_distance_max + 0.25, 0, 1) end draw["Mark"].Transparency = calctransparency draw["Text"].Transparency = calctransparency else draw["Mark"].Transparency = 1 draw["Text"].Transparency = 1 end if item:FindFirstChild("Config") and item.Config:FindFirstChild("ItemName") then if item.Config:FindFirstChild("Amount") and item.Config:FindFirstChild("MaxBullets") then newitem_text.Text = item.Config.ItemName.Value .. " [" .. item.Config.Amount.Value .. "/" .. item.Config.MaxBullets.Value .. "] [" .. math.floor(pos.Z) .. "s.]" elseif item.Config:FindFirstChild("Amount") and item.Config.Amount.Value > 1 then newitem_text.Text = item.Config.ItemName.Value .. " [" .. item.Config.Amount.Value .. "] [" .. math.floor(pos.Z) .. "s.]" else newitem_text.Text = item.Config.ItemName.Value .. " [" .. math.floor(pos.Z) .. "s.]" end else newitem_text.Text = item.Name .. " [" .. math.floor(pos.Z) .. "s.]" end draw["Mark"].Color = getrenv().item_esp_color draw["Text"].Color = getrenv().item_esp_color draw["Mark"].Size = - pos.Z / 4, 8, 24), math.clamp(24 - pos.Z / 4, 8, 24)) draw["Text"].Size = 16 draw["Mark"].Position = - draw["Mark"].Size.X / 2, pos.Y - draw["Mark"].Size.Y / 2) draw["Text"].Position =, pos.Y - draw["Mark"].Size.Y / 2 - draw["Text"].TextBounds.Y - 4) draw["Mark"].Visible = true draw["Text"].Visible = true else draw["Mark"].Visible = false draw["Text"].Visible = false end elseif (item == nil or not item.Parent) then draw["Mark"].Visible = false draw["Text"].Visible = false draw["Mark"]:Remove() draw["Text"]:Remove() newitem_table["Drawing"] = nil end end item_drawings["__item_" .. item.Name .. "_" .. id] = newitem_table end end end local function esp_item_disable() for i, connection in pairs(itemaddedconnections) do connection:Disconnect() connection = nil end for i, thing in pairs(item_drawings) do if string.match(i, "__item_") ~= nil then thing["Drawing"]["Mark"].Visible = false thing["Drawing"]["Text"].Visible = false thing["Drawing"]["Mark"]:Remove() thing["Drawing"]["Text"]:Remove() thing["Drawing"] = nil end end end local library = loadstring(game:HttpGet(('')))() local main = library:CreateWindow("Death Zone") local whitelist_folder = main:CreateFolder("Whitelist") local silentaim_folder = main:CreateFolder("Silent aim") local esp_item_folder = main:CreateFolder("Item ESP") local fastrun_folder = main:CreateFolder("Fast walk") local credits_folder = main:CreateFolder("Credits") --silent aim silentaim_folder:Toggle("Enabled",function(bool) getrenv().silentaim_enabled = bool if getrenv().silentaim_enabled then silentaim_enable() else silentaim_disable() end end) silentaim_folder:Toggle("Ignore players",function(bool) getrenv().silentaim_ignore_plrs = bool end) silentaim_folder:Toggle("Ignore NPCs",function(bool) getrenv().silentaim_ignore_npcs = bool end) silentaim_folder:Slider("FOV",{ min = 1; -- min value of the slider max = 360; -- max value of the slider precise = false; -- max 2 decimals },function(value) getrenv().silentaim_fov_current = value getrenv().silentaim_fov = value end) silentaim_folder:Slider("FOV scoped",{ min = 1; -- min value of the slider max = 540; -- max value of the slider precise = false; -- max 2 decimals },function(value) getrenv().silentaim_fov_scoped = value end) silentaim_folder:ColorPicker("Reticle color",getrenv().silentaim_color,function(color) getrenv().silentaim_color = color end) --esp --item esp_item_folder:Toggle("Enabled",function(bool) getrenv().esp_item_enabled = bool if bool then esp_item_enable() else esp_item_disable() end end) esp_item_folder:Slider("Max distance",{ min = 5; -- min value of the slider max = 15000; -- max value of the slider precise = false; -- max 2 decimals },function(value) getrenv().item_esp_distance_max = value end) esp_item_folder:Slider("Refresh rate",{ min = 0.01; -- min value of the slider max = 5; -- max value of the slider precise = true; -- max 2 decimals },function(value) getrenv().item_esp_refreshrate = value end) esp_item_folder:Slider("# per frame",{ min = 1; -- min value of the slider max = 50; -- max value of the slider precise = false; -- max 2 decimals },function(value) getrenv().item_esp_iter = value end) esp_item_folder:ColorPicker("Item color",getrenv().item_esp_color,function(color) --Default color getrenv().item_esp_color = color end) esp_item_folder:Toggle("Allow transparency",function(bool) getrenv().item_esp_transparency = bool end) esp_item_folder:Toggle("Reverse transparency",function(bool) getrenv().item_esp_transparency_reverse = bool end) --fastrun fastrun_folder:Bind("Hotkey",Enum.KeyCode.N,function() if game:GetService("UserInputService"):GetFocusedTextBox() ~= nil then return end getrenv().fastrun_enabled = (not getrenv().fastrun_enabled) if getrenv().fastrun_enabled == true then fastrun() end end) fastrun_folder:Slider("Speed",{ min = 0; -- min value of the slider max = 2; -- max value of the slider precise = true; -- max 2 decimals },function(value) getrenv().fastrun_speed = value end) --whitelist for i, otherplr in pairs(plrs:GetPlayers()) do if otherplr ~= plr then table.insert(plrnamelist, otherplr.Name) end end plrs.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(thatplr) table.insert(plrnamelist, thatplr.Name) _plrlist:Refresh(plrnamelist) end) plrs.PlayerRemoving:Connect(function(thatplr) for i, otherplr in pairs(plrnamelist) do if otherplr == thatplr.Name then table.remove(plrnamelist, i) end end _plrlist:Refresh(plrnamelist) end) _plrlist = whitelist_folder:Dropdown("All players",plrnamelist,false,function(mob) table.insert(whitelisted, mob) for i, otherplr in pairs(plrnamelist) do if otherplr == mob then table.remove(plrnamelist, i) end end _plrlist:Refresh(plrnamelist) _whitelist:Refresh(whitelisted) end) _whitelist = whitelist_folder:Dropdown("Whitelisted",whitelisted,false,function(mob) table.insert(plrnamelist, mob) for i, otherplr in pairs(whitelisted) do if otherplr == mob then table.remove(whitelisted, i) end end _plrlist:Refresh(plrnamelist) _whitelist:Refresh(whitelisted) end) --creds credits_folder:Label("Scripted by folder#0231", { TextSize = 18, TextColor = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255), BgColor = Color3.fromRGB(38, 38, 38) }) credits_folder:Label("UI library by Aika \n V3rm thread ID: 1040650", { TextSize = 14, TextColor = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255), BgColor = Color3.fromRGB(38, 38, 38) }) --dont take any of this code as good practice please --scripted by folder#0231 --kairyu <3