--How to inf cash (be in the game's lobby, interact with the npc this teleports you to, spam z and say yes/1) execute it again if you want the event coins too, change number to whatever you want (cash purchases skins from npcs around the map) if not funcs then loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/exceptional0/scr/main/funcs.lua"))() end funcs.lplr.SetValue:FireServer({funcs.lplr.Data.Events.Sum22.Moons},999999999) --changing other values does not seem to work funcs.lplr.SetValue:FireServer({funcs.lplr.Data.Events.Sum22.Suns},999999999) getchar():PivotTo(game:GetService("Workspace").NPC.Darkheart:GetPivot())